Thousands of African women are subjected to horrific abuse, beatings and exclusion. A woman left without a husband is often forced into the most inhumane situations, including cutting off her hair – her pride and joy, circumcision, drinking washing water, or exclusion from the family circle. Thousands of women – from 10 to 40 years of age – are driven to prostitution to feed their families. Refusal means exclusion.
The Women Light Home strives to be a refuge for women and their children in need. Here, they will receive accommodation, food, shelter and attention, they can feel secure and comfortable, and enjoy the family atmosphere they need until they are re-integrated. The Women Light Home is managed as a self-help project. Workplaces are established in-house to facilitate contract work, such as sewing. This allows women to earn their food and board while their children are looked after in the in-house day care centre. Psychologically and mentally-stimulating spiritual development courses free of religious ideology help the women gain the strength and confidence necessary to lead a life free from fear.
The project is an extension of the existing women’s shelter of ‘B. S. African Peace Foundation’ (Divine Peace and Healing Home), and acts as a central office of this foundation.
Help us to offer these women a dignified temporary home where they can find strength and learn to trust again. Make a donation for the Women Light Home.
Forestry Association of Nigeria Award (2011)
African Champion of Peace Gold Award, given by Democracy Watch Worldwide (2007)
African Icon of Peace Award (2006)